Remember me? Yeah, it's been a while. Life, plus summer, has been hectic and busy and blogging is just falling off the to-do list. I am struggling with this now, feeling a little "I don't want to do this" and "but I really do" and "I should do this" - have you had days like that?
The kids and I are just shocked, shocked, I tell you - that summer is almost over. Over the weekend Emily attended a birthday party at a nearby outdoor pool (in the rain, sans lightning/thunder) - and I told the party mom that I couldn't believe the party had arrived. I mean, we received the invitation before school ended, 7 weeks prior. And now it had arrived. 7 weeks gone, in a flash.
So yesterday we had a family day. Some shopping (we bought luggage), some food, some bonding time - Em and I watched Camp Rock while the boys played Wii downstairs. The next few days are filled with last minute to-do things like shop for back to school stuff - the good news is that they both don't need a lot of new items for their wardrobe, and getting back to sleeping at sane hours instead of the summer hours they've been keeping.
Now it's back to work, and returning emails and working on getting orders out and all that fun stuff! Hope your preparations for school are coming along smoothly - and if your kids are already back to school - hope the beginning of school went well!